This delightful My Neighbor Totoro – Totoro Family and The Cat Bus Mug captures the enchanting spirit of Studio Ghibli’s beloved film. On the mug, you’ll find a charming scene featuring the iconic Totoro family—Big Totoro, Medium Totoro, and Little Totoro—along with the whimsical Cat Bus, all in a lively, animated design that encapsulates the magical atmosphere of the film.
Crafted from high-quality ceramic, the mug boasts a sturdy, ergonomic handle for a comfortable grip, making it perfect for enjoying your favorite hot beverage, whether it’s coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. The vivid, colorful artwork wraps around the mug, ensuring that the captivating scene can be admired from any angle.
With a generous capacity, this mug is both microwave and dishwasher safe, making it as functional as it is beautiful. It’s an ideal gift for Studio Ghibli aficionados, animation enthusiasts, or anyone who appreciates the joy and nostalgia of My Neighbor Totoro. Whether as a gift or for personal use, this mug is a delightful way to bring a bit of Totoro’s enchanting world into everyday life.
High quality ceramic mug
Dishwasher safe
Microwave safe
White gloss 11oz, 15oz
Decorated with full wrap dye sublimation
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