Introducing the enchanting Satsuki My Neighbor Totoro – Totoro, Faceless Gel Ink Pens! Perfect for fans of the beloved animated film, My Neighbor Totoro, these pens feature the iconic and lovable characters, Totoro and Faceless. Crafted with high-quality materials, the pens provide a smooth and enjoyable writing experience. The charming designs are sure to bring a sense of whimsy and nostalgia to your everyday note-taking, journaling, or doodling. Add a touch of magic to your stationery collection with these delightful Totoro and Faceless gel ink pens!
Fine tip gel pens are finally available in your favorite Totoro styles! If you’re a Totoro lover, you are going to want of these little guys for your collection.
Dimensions: 15CM-17.5CM
Material: Plastic
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