This cozy and delightful hoodie is inspired by the beloved animated film, My Neighbor Totoro. The hoodie features an adorable graphic of Totoro, the iconic forest spirit, munching on a turnip. Made with soft, high-quality material, this hoodie is perfect for Totoro fans to show off their love for the film while staying comfortable. Whether you’re out on a chilly day or lounging at home, the Totoro Eating Turnip Hoodie is a charming addition to any wardrobe. Get ready to embrace the magic of the forest with this cute and whimsical hoodie.
8 oz 55/45 cotton/polyester
Air jet yarn creates a smooth, low-pill surface
Double needle stitching; Pouch pocket; Unisex sizing
Care: Machine wash cold; Tumble dry low
Decoration type: Digital Print
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