This charming “Spirited Away Ootori Sama Take a Bath Sticker” is a delightful collectible for fans of the beloved Studio Ghibli film, “Spirited Away.” The sticker features the enchanting Ootori Sama, known as the small, duck-like spirit creatures from the film, as they indulge in a soothing bath. Capturing the whimsical and serene atmosphere that made the film a masterpiece, this sticker is perfect for personalizing laptops, notebooks, or water bottles.
The design beautifully illustrates the soft, muted colors and the gentle, playful essence of the Ootori Sama. It’s a little piece of the magical world of Spirited Away, bringing a touch of bathhouse serenity wherever you choose to place it. Ideal for both avid collectors of Studio Ghibli memorabilia and those new to the enchanting stories of Hayao Miyazaki, this sticker is a must-have to celebrate one of the most iconic animated films ever created.
A colorful Ghibli Stickers will warming up your day!
.: White or transparent
.: Grey adhesive left side for white stickers
.: Four sizes to choose from
.: For indoor use
.: Not waterproof
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