This delightful sticker features the enchanting Yubaba from the acclaimed animated film Spirited Away. The sticker captures Yubaba in a moment of relaxation, as she enjoys a bath with Ootori Sama, the adorable spirit creature. Beautifully detailed and vibrant in color, this sticker is perfect for fans of the movie who want to add a touch of whimsy to their belongings. Whether you stick it on your laptop, water bottle, or notebook, it’s a charming way to show your love for this iconic Ghibli film. Add a magical touch to your collection with this Spirited Away Ootori Sama Bathing sticker!
A colorful Ghibli Stickers will warming up your day!
.: White or transparent
.: Grey adhesive left side for white stickers
.: Four sizes to choose from
.: For indoor use
.: Not waterproof
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