Unleash the magic and mystery of Studio Ghibli’s beloved classic “Spirited Away” with this enchanting 2-piece action figure set featuring Yubaba, No Face (Kaonashi), and Chihiro. Each figure is meticulously crafted to capture the unique essence and details of these iconic characters.
**Yubaba Action Figure:**
Dive into the fantastical world of the Spirit Realm with the formidable witch Yubaba. Standing impressively with her intricate jewelry and commanding expression, this figure perfectly depicts her as the stern bathhouse owner. The details in her lavish robe and distinctive large head make it a striking piece, sure to stand out in any collection.
**No Face (Kaonashi) Action Figure:**
Experience the mysterious allure of No Face, the enigmatic spirit that becomes a central figure in Chihiro’s adventures. This figure captures No Face’s signature simple, ghostly form and expressionless mask. Poised in his typical, haunting stance, he holds a golden token, highlighting his role in the bathhouse and his interactions with Chihiro.
**Chihiro Action Figure:**
Relive the growth and adventure of the young, resilient Chihiro, also known as Sen when under Yubaba’s spell. This figure depicts her in her bathhouse work clothes, complete with the iconic ponytail and determined look. Every detail, from her clothing to her facial expressions, tells a story of bravery and innocence.
**Packaging and Display:**
These action figures come in a beautifully designed package that allows for an attractive display, appealing to collectors and fans of the film. The compact design ensures that it occupies minimal space while displaying maximum beauty and detail.
This 2pcs/lot set of Yubaba, No Face, and Chihiro from “Spirited Away” is perfect for anyone looking to bring home a piece of this enchanting world. They serve as a marvelous addition to any fan’s collection or as a thoughtful gift to introduce someone to the wonder of Studio Ghibli’s storytelling. Whether for play or display, these figures will surely rekindle the magic and emotion of the timeless film.
Spirited Away No Face Man and Chihiro Action Figure 2pcs/lot
Dimensions: As the picture
Material: Resin
For manual measurement, please allow a 0.1 – 0.5 cm error.
(1 cm=0.39 inch)
Colors on your computer monitor may differ slightly from actual product colors depending on your monitor settings.
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