Delight in the charming world of Studio Ghibli with the “Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea” action figure, meticulously crafted to bring the beloved character Ponyo to life. Standing at approximately 15cm tall, this action figure captures the enchanting spirit and vibrant colors of Ponyo, the magical goldfish princess who dreams of becoming human.
Made with precision and attention to detail, this collectible features Ponyo in her signature red dress, complete with her round, cheerful face and expressive eyes that evoke her curious and lively nature from the film. The figure is constructed from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and providing a faithful representation of Hayao Miyazaki’s iconic animation style.
Ideal for both collectors and fans of the film, this Ponyo action figure serves not only as a wonderful display piece but also inspires imaginative play. It comes in a beautifully designed package that echoes the aesthetic of the sea and magic, elements central to the film’s story.
Whether you’re adding to your Studio Ghibli collection or gifting it to a fellow enthusiast, this Ponyo action figure is sure to enchant and remind fans of the heartwarming adventure of Ponyo and her quest to live among the humans.
Ponyo On The Cliff Action Figure 15cm
Material: PVC
Dimensions: Height approx. 15cm
Package: With box
*To avoid distortion during transit, the product box will be folded.
For manual measurement, please allow a 1 – 3 cm error.
(1 cm=0.39 inch)
Colors on your computer monitor may differ slightly from actual product colors depending on your monitor settings.
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