This iPhone case features an enchanting scene from the beloved animated film “My Neighbor Totoro”. It captures the magical moment of Mei and Satsuki’s encounter with Totoro, the iconic forest spirit, in a lush, green forest. The case is designed to protect your iPhone while bringing a touch of whimsy and nostalgia to your everyday life. Perfect for fans of the film or anyone who appreciates charming and imaginative art, this case is sure to make your phone stand out with its delightful depiction of friendship and adventure in the enchanting world created by Studio Ghibli.
We offer an extensive range of Ghibli Phone Cases that are inspired by Ghibli Studio Movies. Our design team takes great care into designing items in order to bring the best selection for the smartphone. It’s ideal for smartphone including: iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPhone Xs Max, iPhone 11,iPhong 11 Pro Max, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro Max,..
.: Slim form and lightweight
.: Totally flexible, resistant to tear
.: Slimline and low profile, fitting tightly
.: Precise cut outs for connectivity
.: Supports wireless charging
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