Bring the enchanting world of “Kiki’s Delivery Service” to your home with this delightful set of six miniature finger figures featuring Jiji, the confident and charming black cat who stole the hearts of audiences everywhere. Each figure showcases Jiji in different classic poses and expressions, capturing the essence of his playful and curious nature.
Crafted with attention to detail, these figures are made from durable, high-quality materials, ensuring they are both collectible and sturdy enough for play. Each piece stands approximately two inches tall, making them perfect for play, display, or as cake toppers for a themed party.
This six-piece set of Jiji figures is an ideal gift for fans of the beloved Studio Ghibli film, collectors of anime merchandise, or anyone who adores cats. They come nicely packaged, ready to be gifted, and are suitable for ages three and up. Add a touch of magic and mischief to your collection with these irresistibly cute Jiji figures from “Kiki’s Delivery Service.”
Kiki’s Delivery Service – Jiji Figures
Dimensions: About 6cm
Material: PVC
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