This delightful “My Neighbor Totoro – Totoro – Dreaming under the Sakura Mug” is a charming offering for fans of the beloved animated film by Studio Ghibli. The mug captures the enchanting spirit of one of the film’s most iconic characters, Totoro, as he blissfully dreams under a beautifully blossoming sakura (cherry blossom) tree. Each detail of Totoro and the sakura petals is meticulously crafted to evoke the gentle and whimsical ambiance of the film.
Crafted from high-quality ceramic, the mug features a generous capacity, perfect for enjoying a favorite hot beverage while reminiscing about the magic and simplicity of childhood adventures. It is ideal for use at home or in the office, providing a touch of whimsy and nostalgia to any drinkware collection.
The design, which wraps around the mug, showcases Totoro in a serene state, adding a peaceful aesthetic that complements the soft, pastel color palette. Whether used for morning coffee, evening tea, or as a decorative piece, this mug is sure to bring a smile to any Totoro fan.
Moreover, this product makes for a thoughtful gift, appealing to collectors, fans of Studio Ghibli, or anyone who appreciates the artistry and story of “My Neighbor Totoro”. It is a functional keepsake that celebrates one of the most heartwarming and visually enchanting films in the history of Japanese animation.
High quality ceramic mug
Dishwasher safe
Microwave safe
White gloss 11 oz / 15 oz
Decorated with full wrap dye sublimation
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