Embark on an extraordinary adventure with the enchanting Dragon In Spirited Away – Spirited Away Kaonashi Cutout Colorful Hoodie! Featuring vibrant, eye-catching artwork inspired by the iconic characters from the beloved film, this hoodie showcases a stunning depiction of the mysterious Kaonashi, or No-Face, in a dynamic, colorful design. Crafted from soft and comfortable materials, this hoodie ensures a cozy fit, perfect for cooler weather or a relaxed evening at home. Ideal for fans of the classic animated film, this spirited hoodie not only keeps you warm but also adds a touch of whimsical flair to your wardrobe. Embrace the magic and mystery of Spirited Away every time you wear this captivating hoodie!
8 oz 55/45 cotton/polyester
Air jet yarn creates a smooth, low-pill surface
Double needle stitching; Pouch pocket; Unisex sizing
Care: Machine wash cold; Tumble dry low
Decoration type: Digital Print
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